Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Resolution or Revolution?

Happy New Year! Can you believe another year has past? I remember when I was a kid and it seemed that it took forever for summer to arrive then it was like a million years until Christmas! The days, weeks, months dragged by like molasses on a cold day, and now they fly by like a leaf caught in a tornado!

As we have now enjoyed a little more than a full week of 2012 I have looked back on 2011 and thought about what went well and what I think I could improve for this new year. Now, I am not one for making new years resolutions. I have a hard time with telling myself I will or won't do something, because I know that I will always let myself down. I can't tell you how many times I have said "This year I will..." only to forget about it a few weeks later. I know that works for some, and to those people I say "Get on wit yo bad self!" I think instead of making a Resolution what I need is a Revolution. I don't need to make more rules for myself, I need a total mind and heart reset.

I don't know if you have seen the list of 50 Rules for Dads of Daughters, but I have run across it recently and it has started my mind racing. In his blog (, Michael gives little tips, hints and rules for dads with little girls and how to make the most out of your relationship with her. If you read it, you will cry, trust me! It made me realize how precious and special each day is with my sweet Gabriella, and how I want to invest and participate in her life and not just exist in it.

One of the things I have realized about myself is the fact that I don't live in the moment. Michelle and I have talked about this so many times. There are times that life is happening around me and I am oblivious to it. I am not soaking in the sights and sounds and feelings...I am just existing. What I am learning is that each day we have here on earth is a gift, and if we don't use it to its full potential we are wasting it. I want to revolutionize my thinking, I want to be present and aware of the world around me! I want to be passionate about my wife, daughter, and the calling on my life. I don't want to let the days blow by me so quickly that I turn around one day and wonder where they have gone. I want to soak in all of Gods glory and goodness, especially in the little things, so that I can be a better husband, father and leader.

I am calling for a Revolution in my life, not a Resolution.

I would love to hear your thoughts! You can post them on our Facebook fan page

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